The Swartzfager Greyhounds

Home > Stories of 2004 > Hiking at Great Falls, Virginia

Hiking at Great Falls, Virginia

Image of Deanna and hounds along the Potomac

Since the weather was so nice today, we took the hounds down to Great Falls Park in Virginia along the Potomac River.

We started off by eating a picnic lunch near the parking area and answering a number of questions (as always) about the hounds. We then took a few pictures of the roaring waterfalls upstream of the Mather Gorge before heading out on the River Route hiking trail. Parts of the hiking trail were rocky, but Marcus (who had never been on anything but a smooth trail with us) did just fine. There was also another part of the trail that involved going up and down open-faced steps (where there are openings between the steps), which our hounds sometimes balk at, but they managed just fine.

I wasn't feeling well, so we didn't walk the entire length of the trail. Instead, we headed back on the trail along the remains of the Patowmack Canal. Still, it was a good outing, and I'm sure we'll be back to Great Falls again at some point.

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