The Swartzfager Greyhounds

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Famous Hounds

Image of Carre staring at the camera

The best thing about having famous hounds is that they don't know they're famous, so it doesn't go to their heads!

We have a subscription to Celebrating Greyhounds, a quarterly magazine about greyhounds (big surprise there, right?) published by The Greyhound Project, Inc.. Last April, we sent them a number of pictures of Wren, Tyler, and Carrie for possible publication in the calendar they put out every year. About a month ago, we found out that one of the pictures of Wren and Tyler made it into the calendar as one of the smaller, border pictures.

Image used by Puget Sound greyhound group.

About a week ago, we heard from other fellow greyhound owners who had already received the latest edition of Celebrating Greyhounds that there was a picture of Carrie on page 9. So when we finally got our copy yesterday, we prompted opened the magazine to page 9 and there she was! It was one of the pictures we took soon after we got her, while she was lying on one of the comforters in the living room.

But just when it looked like Carrie was winning the fame race in the house, Deanna looked in on the website of the Puget Sound chapter of Greyhound Pets of America in Washington. About two weeks ago, someone in their group had seen Deanna's post on the Greytalk message board that included a picture of Tyler and Wren running in the snow, and they had asked if they could use the picture. So when Deanna went to look at their found Wren and Tyler's picture right on the front page! (Of course, the picture was only up for a short while).

Image of Marcus in Celebrating Greyhounds desk calendar.

Now we just need to get Marcus some time in the limelight. :)

Postscript: Marcus finally did get his moment of fame, as he got a picture in the "Celebrating Greyhounds" 2006 desk calendar of him standing in the snow with his favorite stuffie toy (shown below):

©2006 The Swartzfagers