jQuery UI Datepicker As Populated Calendar

This demo is coded to re-style/highlight the 3rd, 14th, and 28th day of whatever the current month is. Clicking on one of the highlighted dates will bring up an alert box that displays information about this page: obviously, in a real-world situation, you would want to use something more elegant than an alert box to display the information.

The demo works because of two small modifications to the normal jQuery UI Datepicker (version 1.7.1):

To see the modifications, simply browse to the "ui.datepicker.modified.js" file (which lives in the same directory as this file), and do a search for the text "//MODIFIED", which appears above any of the additional code (all of the modifications are actually additions to the existing code, so none of the previous Datepicker functionality is affected). If you want to compare it to the original Datepicker code, you can also browse to that in this directory: "ui.datepicker.original.js"

This code should be considered to be proof-of-concept: it works, but I'm sure the jQuery UI folks could do it better if they wanted to add this functionality.